Camp Hunt is founded on core beliefs found in New Testament and based on Faith in Jesus Christ. During the Summer Camp all campers will be involved in daily Bible Classes and Devotionals meant to encourage their relationship with God.
Jon lives in Searcy, AR where he is a professor of English at Harding University. Jon is married to Julie and they have three children. This will be Jon's eleventh year directing at Camp Hunt.
Adam lives in Albany, NY and is the current Youth & Family Minister at the Albany Church of Christ. He is married to Laura and has three children. He has been a camper, counselor, volunteer, and currently serves on the Board of Directors as the Treasurer his 10th year. This will be his second year directing at Camp Hunt.
David is a minister with the Wetzel Road Church of Christ. He currently serves as both President and Managing Director .
Heidi is a member with the Albany Church of Christ. After serving many years as secretary, she now serves as Vice President.
Jacob is a member with the Johnstown Church of Christ. He currently serves as the Board's Secretary and Director of Membership.
Adam is a member with the Albany Church of Christ. He currently serves as the camp Treasurer.
Matt is a member with the Albany Church of Christ. He currently serves as the Director of Buildings and Grounds.
Bill is a member with the Albany Church of Christ. He currently serves as the Director of Nursing for the summer program.
Jeremy is a member with the Albany Church of Christ.
Kerry is a minister with the Albany Church of Christ. He currently serves as Director of Family Weekend and Co-Director of Education for the summer program.
Jon is a Professor at Harding University, lives in Searcy, Arkansas, and he also serves as one of the Program Directors at Camp Hunt.
Vern is a Minister with the Utica Church of Christ.
Hannah is a member with the Plattsburgh Church of Christ and serves as Registrar and Business Manager.
Katie is a member with the Albany Church of Christ. She is currently working with Promotions and summer program feedback.
Ed is a member with the Wetzel Road Church of Christ. He is currently working withour memorial garden and pool.
Larry is a member with the Lawson Road Church of Christ. He currently serves as the Board designated trustee for our endowment fund.
Tamika is a member with the Endwell Church of Christ.